Corrugated Camping for the Great Outdoors

November 04, 2014

There are few places that we’d rather spend an evening than in the Great Outdoors. (Although we also love spending it anywhere with indoor plumbing.) The next time you go camping — like we did when we chased down Bigfoot — corrugated paper can help you make the most of your outdoor adventure.

Corrugated Fire Starter

When you’re camping outdoors, nothing is quite as satisfying as building an epic campfire. Leave it to corrugated paper to elevate this fiery marvel to a whole new level of innovation. Happy Campfire fire starters take a hack at the age-old struggle to ignite fire. Made from water-resistant and slow-burning cardboard, this origami-like creation lays the foundation for a fire to top all campfires.

The Cardboard Box Oven

Eating hot dogs and “hobo dinners” are great for the amateur outdoorsman, but you can take your camping cooking to the next level with a cardboard box oven. offers step-by-step instructions on how to turn a basic cardboard box into a way to get awesome dinners in the middle of the wilderness.

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The Cardborigami Tent

It’s cardboard. It’s origami. It’s Cardborigami. This amazing collapsible tent provides affordable, easily transportable shelter. Although it’s a great idea for camping, it was actually designed as a way to assist the homeless community.

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One of the things that we love about paper is how versatile it is. Whether you’re building a campfire, making a surfboard or making a big impact on your customers, cardboard can get the job done — if you’re working with the right people.

If you’re looking for S’more help, contact us today to talk about how we can light a fire under your packaging.