October 24, 2022

Cardboard Sessions! Cardboard Sessions! You can almost hear them chanting it through the internet! We heard ya, and we answered the call. We are back with another first-of-its-kind, one-of-a-kind episode of Cardboard Sessions. If you’re new here, welcome, and prepare to have your mind blown. If you’re already a fan, prepare to have your mind blown as well.
The cardboard creativity and timeless tunes never get old, and neither does our partnership with Signal Snowboards. Their truly innovative minds and network of artists continue to play an integral role in bringing musicians together for the ultimate musical mashup.
Eight is great.
Episode 8 of Cardboard Sessions takes us back to the home of magical music, New Orleans. This jam sesh features two legendary hometown heroes and a whole lot of special sauce. Open your ears to the modern beats of Stanton Moore and the piercing guitar work of Anders Osborne as they bring their worldwide audience to the small stage. It is the perfect meld of blues, funk, soul and rock, sure to get your heart grooving and muscles moving.
Cardboard curious?
Creators, design specialists, musicians and cardboard instruments. Cardboard Sessions is full of fun and unique collaborations. Our specially made Fender Stratocaster and Masters of Maple drum kit are still kicking even after 8 episodes. Thanks to Signal and their exceptional dedication to the craft, precision, and, of course, sustainability.
For more on the music, check out other Cardboard Sessions buzz blogs and previous tracks on Soundcloud. Stay tuned for the next Jam session that is sure to outdo itself.