This Company’s Packaging Philosophy Is Top Dog

August 22, 2017

Moving - Happy Golden Retriever

When it comes to boxes, it’s a no-brainer to think of cats. The internet is chock-full of kittens in cardboard, but in celebration of National Dog Day on August 26 today we’re taking a look at the puppy side of the pet packaging world. No, we’re not talking about boxing your Boxer or wrapping your Rottweiler; we’re going to look at treats that brighten your dog’s day and make a real difference in the lives of those who package them.

Good Reasons is a brand of dog treats featured in the popular dog subscription box BarkBox. They’re a division of Community Based Services, Inc., an organization dedicated to providing opportunities for individuals with autism and other developmental disorders. Like their parent company, Good Reasons employs workers with disabilities to make, bake and package their dog treats.

CEO Vicki Sylvester, Ph.D. explains her philosophy: “The challenge is creating a world where everyone – EVERYone – has a sense of purpose… hiring disabled people is a great thing for [companies] and a great thing for society.” Good Reasons’ packaging speaks loud and proud about that mission: each treat bag features a sticker with a photo of the employee who “packed it with love.”

That’s the kind of philosophy we can get behind because our co-founder Mr. Wilson has been acting on it for over 70 years. When your leadership advocates altruism, you know you’re destined for great things. Take it from Mr. Wilson, who has been growing our Ernest family since 1946:

Whether your consumers stand on two legs or four, every Ernest employee works their tail off to better connect them to you and your philosophy. Check out our case study below to see how we can help you show your heart on your packaging sleeve.

Download our white paper to learn how to incorporate your altruistic messages in your packaging: