Do You See the Faces in This Packaging?

April 22, 2014

They say that when you spend as much time with packaging materials as we do, that you begin to connect with them, to see them as something more than just objects. We know it sounds crazy, but our engineering experts and consultants over here at Ernest Packaging Solutions can “speak” packaging.

You can put us in a straight jacket if you want, but when we look at these pics, it feels like they are telling us something.

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These images come courtesy of the hilarious @FacePics Twitter account, which collects people’s photos of inanimate objects reacting to the world around them.

But it’s nothing new to us. We know how to make happy packaging that keeps products safe – we’ve been doing it with some great customers for decades.

When you work with Ernest Packaging Solutions, you get a group of people dedicated to protecting your product with customized packages that work the right way for the right cost, making sure you are always …



and never …


Give us a call or send us an email today to get started on creating your new amazing packaging.