A Commitment to Sustainable Cosmetics Packaging Designs

October 27, 2015

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And the beauty and cosmetics packaging industry is ripe for more sustainable designs. Often times, the bottled products reside within packaging that immediately hits the trash can, and then are quickly repurchased within weeks. The wasted packaging again heads to the trash can and onto landfills—over and over again.

At Ernest Packaging Solutions, we find beauty in all things sustainable and in the creative designs emerging in the industry.

Packaging designers hear the call for more sustainable solutions are responding with inspiring innovations. One such designer, Simon Laliberté, designed a biodegradable toothbrush packaging, which dissolves in less that 10 seconds—hence the name of the award-winning concepted product, Dissolve. The package is non-toxic, biodegradable, 100% recyclable and made from cellulose-based compound of tree pulp.

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via We and the Color

The pressure falls heavy on beauty brands to reduce their environmental impacts from the formula perspective. Cosmetics manufacturers must consider what goes in their products with an emphasis on responsibly sourced ingredients and minimized post-consumer impacts on water sources. Additionally, how these products are produced and packaged requires eco-friendly considerations.

EPS_loreal factoryBig beauty brands like L’Oreal are leading the way to respond to this pressure. The French company has implemented an aggressive action plan for sustainability with its “Sharing Beauty with All” manifesto, which includes a “Zero Deforestation” commitment by 2020. And with that, is a goal to have 100% certified board and paper for packaging and POS.

Much of the beauty and cosmetics packaging design around the world remains in concept. However, at Ernest Packaging Solutions, we deliver on sustainability everyday to move packaging forward. If you’re ready for a packaging makeover, then contact us today.