Edible Beer Packaging to Make a Splash in the Market
August 16, 2016

We have known that the plastic rings that hold together six packs of drinks can be harmful to marine life for a while now. Some fish think they are food while other fish, along with birds and turtles, can get stuck in the rings.
Ideally, consumers will recycle the plastic rings or, at the very least, cut them into pieces before disposal—decreasing the risks the rings present to our water systems. In reality, too much of this materials makes its way into our oceans, and that is a bummer for everyone involved.
But one South Florida brewery is looking to change all that with an innovative approach to sustainable packaging—something we have a very keen eye for spotting!
Chris Gove of Saltwater Brewery told NBCNews that he has a game-changing solution for beer and soda packaging. His answer is to take the excess grain used in brewing (namely wheat and barley,) which is typically sold as cattle feed, and press them into molded beverage holders. With a little additive for strength, the result is a biodegradable and edible replacement for the plastic ring.
And with an estimated 69 billion cans of beer being consumed every year, the impact of this catching on could be the solution our aquatic friends need on a global scale.
Much like the new “plastic” made of seaweed we Buzzed about a few months ago, the race is on for finding sustainable packaging solutions anywhere we can. The results can be felt greatly within your business from a cost and branding standpoint. That is, as long as you have the right packaging partner.
Ernest Packaging Solutions aims for ideas that benefit the bottom line and the planet. Even though it’s a lofty goal, it’s an imperative one. Want to learn more? Download our Sustainability Brochure and dig deeper in our Premium Content Section.
Or, just give us a call and say “I want to change the way we package our products, please.” And we can help you from there. We love those calls, and you’ll be glad you made it!