The Art & Science of Design

March 21, 2013

Reaching handWhenever I look in the mirror I think to myself, “What is it about beautiful packaging that we seem to be naturally attracted to them?”

All egomaniacal joking aside, Ernest Packaging Solutions subscribes to the belief that gorgeous packaging drives sales, and our clients see this success too.

Surprisingly, there is actually a lot of science behind this topic. According to The New York Times, brain scan studies show that attractive products prompt a response from a part of the brain that controls hand movement, meaning that we actually instinctively gravitate toward lovely things.

Knowing this, it makes us wonder why the science of design can so often be overlooked. In an excerpt from the article “Why We Love Beautiful Things,” the writer notes:

“We think of great design as art, not science. … But if every designer understood more about the mathematics of attraction, the mechanics of affection, all design … could both look good and be good for you.”

— Lance Hosey, The New York Times

At Ernest Packaging Solutions, we’re dedicated both to the ART and the SCIENCE of design. We create packaging with a deeply resonating beauty and a strong aesthetic draw, while at the same time designing a product that is battle-tested to stand up against any challenge, shipping, handling, temperature or whatever it may face.

Looking for a packaging partner that skillfully marries both the science and the art of design? Contact Ernest Packaging Solutions today!