Throwback Thursday: Wrapper's Delight Is Back Again

December 21, 2017


We’ve definitely noticed the influx of online shopping that’s made up the 2017 Holiday Shopping season, but we still like to take a look back at some of the more traditional trends. Unwrap this infographic for up-to-date facts on holiday packaging in this Throwback Thursday edition of the Ernest Buzz. 

The holiday season is always an … um … interesting time of year. There are those magical moments when you unwrap that perfect gift from a loved one or those less magical ones when you must feign joy at some wacky Santa necktie for which you hope there’s a gift receipt attached.

For every moment though, you can rest assured packaging and shipping logistics played an important role. According to the National Retail Federation, half of all holiday shoppers will buy gifts online this year. That is $105 billion in purchases and $105 billion in goods that must get safely and securely from the North Pole to your doorstep.

With this in mind, we created an infographic to help put holiday packaging in all of its forms into perspective. Think about all the people who work behind-the-scenes to make the holidays special and give them a great big old Ernest Packaging Solutions high five (like this one from CEO Charles Wilson) when you see them. Because this is what the holidays looks like to retail packagers: