October 26, 2021

If you have a problem that’s slowing your business down, we have the quickest solution on the books: Ernest to the Rescue. We’re on call and at the ready to solve any challenge you throw our way. Which includes taking the headache of inventory issues off your hands. How? Well, some know it as Just-In-Time (JIT)fulfillment. But here, we call it Ernest Managed Inventory, or EMI for short. It’s one of our not-so-secret supply chain management solutions at Ernest.
But it’s more than just a solution. It’s about relationships, too. Our team takes the time to get to know you, your business…and of course, any problem that arises. This helps make sure we tackle any challenge effectively and quickly through EMI.
You might have heard of this EMI phrase in our Ernest to the Rescue videos and white papers, because so many of our clients are taking advantage of it.
Why? Because the benefits of EMI are out of this world. The main goal is to help our clients reduce inventory holding costs and increase inventory turnover, aka get rid of any supply chain issues—which is amazing. It gives you a clearer picture of what you have vs. what you need, and it’s made possible thanks to our dedicated and hardworking team who are in constant contact with our clients. We do the legwork and heavy lifting to keep your core items at one of our 13 warehouses and deliver it to your storefront on an as-needed basis.
But that’s not even half of the pros.
Ernest Managed Inventory prevents overproduction, minimizes wait times, aka cuts down on transportation costs, streamlines your production, improves productivity and frees up valuable warehouse space in the process.
Our partnership with you is always at the forefront and we’re always on the lookout to find new solutions help your company succeed. EMI is one those, because it’s totally customizable to what your business needs and what works best for you. It’s all about easing the burden on your team so you can focus on the job at hand (i.e., your actual job) and not those pesky supply chain management issues.
So, we’ve told you about the perks. Now here’s the proof. At Ernest, we’re all about creating and maintaining strong relationships with our clients. Because we understand they’re essential to our business. And we love it when the feeling’s mutual. That’s why every year, we reach out to a handful of the companies we serve and invite them to share a little screen time. We call this video series Ernest to the Rescue and it’s our way of shouting out our partners, highlighting our services and having a truckload of fun in the process.
For Coast Aluminum, our EMI solution helped this high-quality aluminum supplier keep up with their supply chain at their 10 locations.
Watch our Coast Aluminum video here
Each Coast location keeps a two-week supply on hand while Ernest has a 90-day supply ready to go at a moment’s notice. This freed up space in each warehouse and improved cash flow because Coast doesn’t have to worry about meeting the minimum order requirements. Another perk (because you know with EMI they just keep coming) is that our team delivers the next day—allowing Coast to turn orders around quickly.
When it came to Pizza Port, EMI helped them get their craft beers out to thirsty California residents after they were approached by megastore Costco with a mega opportunity.
Costco wanted 18 packs of their best-selling brew—a huge ask for a relatively small local business. Luckily, Ernest and EMI specialize in taking complicated tasks off your hands and into our corner. Our EMI solution helped Pizza Port schedule pallet delivery throughout the quarter. In addition to packing and palletizing their orders for Costco, Ernest also packed 12-can cases for Pizza Port’s other grocery customers on a biweekly basis.
Let’s keep the camera rolling and leave the supply chain issues on the cutting room floor.
Next, we have Limitless USA —a booming business selling refurbished iPads, iPhones, Macbook Pros and other smartphones. With orders ranging from 15,000 to 20,000 units a month, they were using a lot of warehouse space to house their packaging solutions—with up to 20 pallets on the floor at a time.
Now, we handle it for them.
We hold everything Limitless needs in our nearby Las Vegas facility—delivering it on demand.
For both GT Ventures and SpectraCell, we used our EMI packaging solution to optimize their space and ensure they always had the right amount of inventory. Materials are always delivered to them on time and as needed—saving space, saving costs and saving them from the grunt work.
Our Ernest Managed Inventory solution may be just what you need to solve your supply chain management issues, warehouse space crisis or whatever problem you’re facing. The breadth of EMI—like every solution we offer—can keep your business moving, help weather any storm and deliver real results for your bottom line.
At Ernest, we’re here to help you tackle the toughest challenges. The strong partnerships we’ve built have led us to some of the greatest, most innovative solutions. That’s why we’re on standby to listen to the problem, then walk you through the steps to solve it. And we’re always just a phone call or car ride away to keep delivering the support you need.
Give us a call today or fill out our form here and let’s get your business benefiting from EMI! Or, if you’re not ready just yet, head to our Ernest to the Rescue page to see how our solutions come to life.