Source Reduction Benefits of Using Durable Outers

March 16, 2017


The rise of subscription boxes (and of online retail in general) has given shoppers more convenience than ever before. It has also given them more packaging material to manage than ever before, and they aren’t necessarily too pleased with that. In fact, according to Sealed Air, the disposal and recycling of packaging materials are the TOP TWO most common complaints about packaging!

The box-within-a-box packaging system isn’t always the best solution. It can be wasteful, expensive. Also, if you’re just using a brown, outer box, it could be a missed branding opportunity for your business. That is why we say No More Brown Box! The excess packaging can also be annoying for customers (unless, of course, you’re a child with a vivid imagination of that the box is actually a rocket ship).

As always there are many ways to tackle any given challenge. One way would be to reduce the amount of empty or unnecessary space in your packaging. Another would be  to get rid of a shipping box altogether with a tough outer!

Take for instance the design we created for Snack Nation, the healthy-snacking company delivers boxes of goodies to offices across the country. We made life for everyone even simpler (and more stunning) with a shipping box that is also the container for the snacks in the office!


Or, you can make something so strong people will find other uses for it like a cardboard castle, office set, or if you’re really up for a challenge (and we always are) a working cardboard guitar!

Your packaging is not the end of the customer journey. It is the hands-on real life experience they have with you. Packaging is a reflection of how you view your product and an opportunity to make another emotional connection with the consumer. Don’t miss out! Contact us today to and see how we will toughen up your packaging with innovative custom designs. We’ll make your packaging as durable and lasting as your brand.