Spring clean with the Ernest team.

March 29, 2021

SpringClean Buzzblog

At Ernest, we’re all about can-do. From packaging design to supply chain management to process design, we’re a one-stop shop. And that goes for keeping you and your crew safe and healthy, too. With our Jan-San, Facility Maintenance and Safety offerings, we’ll do a clean sweep of your situation and make sure your workplace stays sanitary and sound. To get a better picture of the J-S and FM&S industry, we sat down with our own guru of grime-fighting: Greg Hildreth. Here’s a breakdown of how he described the business of keeping it safe and clean.

COVID-19 continues to rear its ugly head. For many, it’s meant teaching our kids from home, doing our jobs remotely and quite a lot of takeout. But that’s if you’re lucky. The real heroes are the ones who’ve been lacing up their boots or nurses shoes for the past year. It’s an honor for us to provide cleaning supplies, personal protective gear and equipment to help companies adhere to CDC guidelines. And most importantly, to keep their employees safe and informed during a time where there are a lot of unanswered questions.

Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is capital ‘I’ Important. It stands for all the stuff that keeps people out of harm’s (and germs’) way. Whether it’s hand sanitizer, masks, disinfectants, Nitrile gloves, touch-free soap dispensers, coveralls or electrostatic foggers to disinfect large areas, it’s all working to crush COVID and boost safety. Of course, some items are still in high demand. But if you’re in need, we’ll do everything in our power to procure it for you.

In the food and nutraceuticals category, we go beyond custom packaging solutions. We help our clients stick to the standards and requirements of food safety auditors and systems, too. We also assist with Hazard Analysis for Critical Control Points (HACCP), meaning we go on-site to do color coding, metal detectable PPE, install touch-free dispensing systems, and provide cleaning equipment, NSF cleaners and sanitizers.

On the manufacturing warehouse side, we offer guidance for OSHA compliance and safety systems, including cut-resistant and disposable gloves; eye, respiratory and hearing protection; eyewash stations that meet the new ANSI 15-minute flushing standards; AED defibrillators; and aisle marking tape with a three-year guarantee to reduce labor costs.

Our promise to our customers is to be honest and forthright when it comes to availability. We’ll work with suppliers for the most high-demand items. We’ll find the J-S items you need. We’ll give you guidance on industry best practices and recommend products. With a pledge to be fair with our prices that are sometimes driven by the market.

When it comes to J-S and FM&S, Ernest is a one-stop-shop. If you or your company is looking for a partner to keep things safe, clean and compliant, check us out. And if you’d like a free virtual consultation, reach out to us here. Whether it’s stocking supplies, doing an assessment for industry best practices, or recommending solutions, we’ll continue to be in your corner. Through COVID and well beyond.